Wednesday, February 11, 2009



I posted the rest of the pies and backdated them. I'm not sure if it worked...
Two more pies are coming up and don't forget about the show this Saturday!
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January 31st- Cherry Birthday Pie


Dan insisted that this pie (for his mom) be a plain cherry pie. My Pie-A-Day OCD struggled with this for an hour, because I already made a pie that was too similar (the first one!)

January 30th- Coconut Papaya


Kind of looks like a sun
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January 29th- Clown Pie aka Pie the Verb



After a 3 hour long Coop meeting, Dave volunteered to help with the daily pie. SUCKER
You would think that no one ate this pie, but actually some drunk lady at Dalek took some off his face.
Recipe: 1 graham cracker crust + 1 can of soy whip
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January 28th- Apple Pie (finally!)



This pie was HUGE!
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January 27th- Fudge Pie


My saying for Fun-A-Day when I get worried that I'm being too creative is "It doesn't have to taste good, it just has to look nice in the pictures."* This pie is the opposite. It was probably the least healthy pie of the month, consisting mainly of chocolate, sugar, and Earth Balance, but man did it taste fantastic. I would say this is the equivalent of the Pile of Fudge Cake from Cake-A-Day, which was supposed to be the famous Tunnel of Fudge Cake. It took us three days to eat this pie, because it was so rich. Mmmm

*I only said this to worry my housemates, who were only concerned with it tasting good!
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January 26th- Chocolate Pie


This chocolate pie was thickened with flour, unlike my usual chocolate pies that are thickened with cornstarch. Discuss.
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January 25th- Lime Sloppy Mess

Lessons learned:
-Doubling the lime isn't always a good idea. Remember this next time you don't want to wake up all night feeling like you're sucking on a lime
-Cooling is sometimes important. This is why you shouldn't start your pie late at night on a weeknight
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January 24th- Settlers of Catan Pie!

Let's all look at it adoringly, yes.

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January 23rd- Blackberry Tart

Score- Fresh blackberries from Whole Foods, in January, and NOT super expensive!
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January 22nd- Pumpkin Pie

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Dan likes to make crusts out of Spiced Wafers for pumpkin pie. I don't remember the last time I had pumpkin pie without a Spiced Wafer crust!